Tuesday, August 15, 2006


yesterday going out wit my friend.."cikgu"..hahaha..i think long time x jumpa n dating wit him...rasa2nye last aku jumpa die bulan 10 tahun lepas...ahaks...

by the way we all pegi pc fair kt klcc...mak oii sampai je kt sana aku tgk ade macam2 rakyat...hehhe..yang kelakarnye pi mai pi mai tang tu gak..hampeh punya pc fair dh le jauh kena pusing2 sana pusing sini plak..pening2...rasa2 aku la dh nk dekat setahun aku x jejak klcc tuh..sekali jejak rasa macam org sakai lak almaklumlah tgk ramai sgt org...hahahha...apelah aku ni x pasal2 je aku nk kena jadi "perak" ish2 mcm x biase je:p..aku rasa better buat pc fair kt pwtc lagi comfortable n senang skit..hehhe..actualy g sana x beli byk brg pun...beli pendrive yg cute mcm aku ni (perasan japs) n katrij printer yg mahal..ish2 menyesal aku beli printer yang murah rupa2nye katrij die mahal la beb..wakenabeb...

sepanjang aku duk dating ngn cikgu nih actualy my mind alwayz duk thinking about my 'Mr Question Mark'..huk...huk...nobody can take away him form my mind except himself..huk..hukk...angau ke nih?:p...hehehhe..who knows??

Monday, August 7, 2006

I want This

I want this...cant wait my precious day..on this 11 September..ehh itu tarikh WTC runtuh tuh...by the way semoga my graduation day berjalan lancar and i want to share it wit all my familli and friends..so to all my friends out there dont forget something to me ekk during my graduation day especially to you 'Mr Qquestion Mark' ...aku harap ko x lupa or buat2 lupa lak cos i dont want to remind you tau...ehehehe

Friday, August 4, 2006

Ape Ek??

hai long time x taip blog..huk..huk...ape cite terkini ek...ermm pasal interview...last 2 days aku g interview.ermm for the 1st round interview aku lepas laa but i really curious wit this company??die buat bisness ape ek..manager die explain pun aku still blur2..fuhh manager die betui2 friendly until then i got a phone call to come for the 2nd interview lah plak...hukk...huk..n then bru la aku tau ape compny ni buat...uwaaa kena buat sales marketing laa..everyday kene meet customer n then approach them to join in charity such as for WWF,MAKNA n macam2 agi arr...fuhh letih maa...tp income die masyuk arr...tp i'm prefer duk kt opis n buat ape2 yg patut dr kena jln2 meet the customers...hahhah kang aku mkin kurus laakk klu nk kena jln byk2..